Legal Gender Change

Breaking – Open Comment for Passport

Overview: The U.S. Department of State has opened public comment periods for three (3) proposed rules that attempt to deny transgender, nonbinary, and intersex people from having an accurate passport. The three proposed rules are as follows:

DS-11 Application for passport – comments due March 17

DS-82 Passport Renewal – comments due March 20

DS-5504 Name Change and Corrections – comments due March 20

Comment portals and templates:



A4TE is also hosting a ‘Comment-a-thon’ next Thursday at 7pm ET to go over this process and answer questions (register here)


Breaking News – Passports and Social Security cards are not being processed. Nobody knows exactly what is happening with them, but for the time being it is assumed you cannot get gender marker updates to them.

Getting your gender changed has a variety of different requirements across different governing bodies, but each year it tends to get more inclusive with more options for non-binary people. If you have any questions or any information is out of date, please email Faye at

North Dakota
Driver’s License

  • Limited by male/female
  • Department of Motor Vehicle Gender Change Form:
  • Requires a healthcare worker to complete
  • Can be done at the same time as changing name legally

Birth Certificate

Social Security Card (Nationally Governed)

Driver’s License

Birth Certificate

  • You may be able to self determine gender on Birth Certificate – Email for more information on process
  • Currently the official policy does require a letter from a physician:
  • This letter doesn’t require surgery, but does require, “Medical certification of appropriate clinical treatment for gender transition” in the form of an original letter from a licensed physician.

Social Security Card (Nationally Governed)

National Information
If we your current state is not included here, the best place to go for general information on Legal Gender Change documents is here:

What To Update Afterwards

Generally, your gender is going to be most important on your Driver’s License or State ID. Many trans people never get their Birth Certificate or Social Security Card Updated. It can also be important to change gender on both health or car insurance.

What Major Documents to Change (This isn’t all inclusive or necessarily required)

  • Drivers License or State ID
  • Birth Certificate
  • Social Security Card

This section is not intended as legal advice, but to give people an understanding of which documents trans folks typically end up changing or needing to change. Each individuals situation will be different, with possibly different requirements. Keep in mind your gender change may be something that comes up in a background check.

Often folks wait for their name change to be complete and got both markers changed at the same time!